Following Dar's post over at An Exacting Life, I thought that it was high time to revisit my (unread!) book collection, which I listed, err, some time ago here . I have actually managed to reduce the book collection quite significantly...but sadly not by actually reading them! I went through them recently and decided that I was very unlikely to actually read or use many of them again- especially books of seventeenth century documents! (Only really useful if you are doing a degree in history). Many of the books are now waiting in a cupboard for someone to buy them from Amazon... I'm going to make a concerted effort to finish at least one physical book per month- and those that are worth selling will be listed on Amazon and join their friends in the cupboard! There may be some that I decide are not worth ploughing through- straight to the cupboard with them... So, here is the updated list: Physical books (all non-fiction) 1. The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne...