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Showing posts from January, 2013

New Years' Resolutions- a little late.

Here are my New Years resolutions- hopefully nice and specific, not impossible and fairly easy to tell if I have done them...they also may change as the year goes on, if I realise that they are impossible or foolish. 1. No alcohol. It may be a sign of age, but over the past couple of months I have had a headache and then felt sick for about a week after even one modestly sized glass of wine. As I rarely drink, this should not be a problem...maybe. I drink in the English style- nothing for months, and then a party with much, much wine- i.e. binge drinking. Yey! 2.  Horse riding- pass ABRS Equitation 5 and Stable Management 7 and 8. (Information  here  and  here , if you are interested). Update- since I made this list, I've passed Equitation 5- just about. Not going to aim to pass 6 this year though, as I don't think I will improve enough. 3. Exercise- do more. Nothing crazy- yoga twice a week (yes, that is  exercise!), swimming twice a week, walking twice a...